Sunday, October 21, 2018

Day +1!

Happy Day +1 Lily Grace Ya Xuan!  Today you have officially been a chosen, beloved, ever so wanted, cherished daughter, sister, grand daughter, cousin, friend and so much more than we could have ever imagined beautiful gift to so many people for 449 days!  

You have now been a member of our family for longer than you lived in the orphanage.  We are so grateful for the wonderful care you received during your 448 days in your lovely birth country.  And we are beyond grateful to your birthmother who chose life for you-and what a life you will live!  


You live life to the fullest!  You savor the moment and bring excitement and laughter to everyone around you.  You, Lily Grace, have taught us what it is like to let go and let the Lord write the most amazing story. 

He has shown us, through your life, what it means for Him to do "exceedingly and abundantly more than we could ask or imagine"!  He has taught us to hold a little looser to this life on Earth and to cherish what will matter for all of eternity.  

He has given me such a heart for the orphans all over our country and the world.  All of this through your life! You will do great things little one.  Just like your sisters, we pray that the Lord will use you to bring Glory to His name and to show so many people how amazing His works are!  

So we will continue on this wild and beautiful journey of life that the Lord has us on.  We can't wait to see how the rest of your story continues to unfold.  Whatever path your life takes, we know you will make your mark.  Your personality sparkles.  You are a light in this world.  You are a gift.  You are so loved and so cherished.

Here's to the rest of more +1's forever.  Here's to more memories every day.  Here's to living a life of gratitude for what the Lord has taught us through our journey with you.  Here's to more giggles, more climbing on everything, more bath time bath time yeah yeah yeah, more playing with Taylor and Maddie, more swimming in the summer, more sliding, more chips and ice-cream and all the casseroles, and more fabulous time as a FAMILY!