Thursday, March 30, 2017

So our Christmas Tree is still up. . .

Hello Friends!

Happy Spring!  Hope this update finds you well.  Just thought I would update you on where we stand in our adoption process.

We.are.just.waaaaiiiitttttiiiinnnggggg. currently.

Can you feel the patience just seeping through the words as I type them?!  Ugh!  I am terrible at this patience thing.  I think it's because I feel like we are so close but I literally have no actual idea how close (or not close) we really are.  I spend (a lot) of time trying to figure out when the call will come for a potential match.  I think through timelines in my head.  In some ways it's good to try and prepare but in others I think I'm just back in my same old ways of telling the Lord what needs to happen and when.  I had a brief time period, like a week, when I was patient and not perseverating, and then back to my crazy cycle.  I do COMPLETELY see the Lord's timely all over this through the waiting.  We have been going through some things as a family that I know for certain we needed to get through before we entered our next step in bringing our next little one into the family.  We also were able to focus solely on these things without the distractions of the next busy steps of the adoption process that will come as soon as we are matched with our child.  For this I am very thankful!  I am also soaking up as much time with Madelyn being the "baby" as I can.  I still rock her every night before she goes to bed.  I am grateful for these extra moments as I know they will be gone before I know it.  Once we get home from China, a new little one will be splitting the attention for snuggles with the girls and as Madelyn gets older (3 years old next month!), I won't have as many of these opportunities.  But at the same time, my heart is tugged knowing our little one in China is having another night without his/her momma rocking them.  So I rock the ones I have now while I pray for the one to come!

I read this recently and I love it and truly believe it!  But like so many things, getting the knowledge from my head to my heart is a long journey.  :)

So, why is the Christmas tree still up?  At the end of December I asked Matt if we could keep the Christmas Tree up until we were matched with a child.  He graciously agreed.  Of course at the time, I envisioned a match in January or a few weeks after that. . . not almost April with nothing! So here we are, coming up on Easter time with our Christmas Tree still on display for all to see!  A little crazy I know, but a reminder once again that my timing and plans are not where I want to be.

Taylor has been talking a lot about her baby brother or sister from China!  She is a budding artist and has included her sibling in many of her recent masterpieces!  I love seeing how the Lord is preparing her heart.


We have heard that our Dossier has made it through translation and review in China!  These are a great and important steps!  It means that once we are matched with our child, the remaining steps will (hopefully) move along more quickly.  So things are happening.  God is working all things for His good.  He is preparing our hearts and we trust that He is preparing our little ones way to us as well!  We continue to seek His will and wait for His perfect timing as we know that He already has everything all worked out.  We just need to sit back and enjoy the ride!