We recently graduated Taylor to a bigger girl bathtub. After 9 wonderful months of use we said goodbye to the whale-of-a-tub. If it were up to me I would still be using it to bathe Taylor in the sink but Matt said it was time to move on and he is right. So now we get to use the blow up seal tub! Bath time has always been something Taylor loves and she has adjusted well! The first night daddy wanted to have bathing duty and he got a little "aggressive" with rinsing the soap out of Taylor's hair. In fact I heard, "You're not going to like this" and then a swoosh of water followed by a bit of a cry. While it was very effective at rinsing her hair, she wasn't such a fan of the water boarding :). Of course he felt awful but she was just fine and recovered quickly!
It seems like such a short time ago we gave her her first bath on our counter in the bathroom. She was so tiny back then and not a fan of the bath at a few days old!
Here are a few pictures of her first and one of her last baths in the whale-of-a-tub. She didn't know quite what to think about it at first but quickly realized how fun it was and loved kicking and splashing! She would always try to grab at the water coming out of the faucet and knock off all the soaps along the side of the sink.
Realizing it isn't too bad after all! |
Loving bath time now! |
Bath time is certainly a fun time in the Wallace house!
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