Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Jesus, only Jesus!

Amazing day for our family and all I can say is look at God's handy work!  His story is magnificent
and His timing is wonderful (even when I don't realize it).  He works out the big things and cares about the little things too!  His ways truly are higher and so far ahead of my short seeing and small minded human self that I am only beginning to figure it out!  We received news that our Dossier made it across the world safely to China on 12/26 after being sent from our adoption agency on the 22th. . . Praise God!  That started the wait for our LID (Log In Date to the CCCWA. . . China's adoption/welfare system).

So pause and let's talk about the fact that MY SISTER HAD A BABY TODAY!!!!  I have a new niece!!!  Yippeee!!  I can't wait to meet her in a few days!  Poor Ty (my nephew) is seriously out numbered on our side of the family with 4 girls currently and him being the only boy!   Little Andi Lee arrived this afternoon and is cute as can be!  She is named after both of my grandmothers and I know they would love her so much!
Andi meeting her older sister and brother!
So heading home, I checked my email and I received an email from our agency that as of today we are officially logged into the CCCWA in China which means we are LID!!! Another huge step!  And on the same day my niece was born.  It was overwhelming to think of how the Lord orchestrated these two major life milestones to culminate on the very same day and how so many steps had to occur to get us to this point and it lead to the same day?!  What is this?  It's almost too much to bear. I called Matt on the way home to tell him and he said, "Let me guess, you want to cry?"  I mean, I am a mess these days!  The goodness of the Lord is just too much for me to take!

So now we wait for a call.  We don't know how long it will be.  Days, weeks, months, who knows.  God's timing is perfect and His timing is where I want to be. . . And try not to worry (not completely there yet).  I read a quote by Ann Voskamp in The Greatest Gift (which is the Advent book that I am currently on December 10th in. . . oops!) that says "Worry is belief gone wrong.  Because you don't believe that God will get it right."  Wow, that it powerful and convicting for me.

We look forward to what 2017 has in store for our little family.  New adventures for sure.  We hope to share God's love and grace with those we meet and share life with.  We hope to be blessings to you just as so many of you have been to us!  Happy (almost) new year friends!

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Merry Christmas to CHINA from the Wallace Family!!!

Stockings for everyone including our little one in China!

We received a pretty amazing Christmas present today from our adoption agency!  An email staying the following:

Here’s the news you’ve long been waiting for—your dossier was sent to China today (12/22/2016)!  Hooray!  J"

I'm not going to lie, I had to fight back the ugly cry when I read those words.  It's hard to explain to those who have not gone through the same process.  However, this is such a huge relief and celebration after over 6 months (7 in our case) of appointments, phone calls, computer modules, meetings, fingerprints, set backs, celebrations, tears, trips to governmental buildings throughout the state, sending precious documents to couriers to complete sealing processes, and so many more things that are hard to put into words.  We have completed a HUGE milestone!  HORRAY!

So what next?  Now out dossier will arrive to China in a few days and we will be "logged in" with the  Chinese Center for Children's Welfare and Adoption (CCCWA) and we will have a log in date (LID). This is when we will have the opportunity to be open to many more matching opportunities with children.  From this point we could be called with a potential match in a day, a week, a month or months. . . who knows!  We will literally just be waiting for a call.  Once we accept a match I am told we travel between 3-5 months from that date so I am hoping we travel this coming Summer but there are still so many unknowns.

For now we are just grateful for God's grace and goodness He continues to bestow upon our lives.  I have been so reflective lately and find myself lying in bed thinking of our next little one.  Who are you?  How old are you? Are you walking yet?  What are you doing?  Are you having a good day?  I pray your caregivers are taking good care of you!  I am working at St. Jude this Christmas and I can't help but think how fitting it is this year for me to be taking care of other children since halfway across the world someone is taking care of you.

There is a Third Day song called Merry Christmas and whenever I listen to it (throughout the entire year and even before we decided to adopt from China) I come completely undone.  I feel like we are literally living it out this year.  It's surreal and exciting and heartbreaking and amazing all at once.

So this Christmas hug your family tight and think of our little one so far away!  We are getting closer and closer to getting there!  We are so grateful for your love and support along the way!  God's perfect timing will make it all come together at just the right moment and we long for when that moment comes.  Merry Christmas friends!